Amy McDonald Chapman

About Amy

I’m a writer, thinker, creative, & mystic. My mission is to celebrate and uncover the ancient secret of Christ—so that others can live in the freedom and beauty of His identity in them.

Throughout my life, I have explored many creative disciplines, from fashion design to music and garden design. I enjoy the crossroads between theology and mysticism, imagination and science, spirituality and business.

I like sharing conversations, cracking religion on the head, and exploring the doxa of Christ in the world around me. Here is a little more on my background and projects.


Glory to Glory

Are we being gradually unveiled? Many think so! But there’s more to the story… Out with the old mumbo-jumbo, in with the new.

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All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being that has come into being.

Quotes in Context

I love making shareable quotes and meditations from books I’m reading, with some background on their authors and books. Discover more quotes here!

The Far Off

The Far Off

My weekly newsletter for pilgrims that are looking for a dose of the beautiful good news.

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