Hi there.

I’m a writer, thinker, mystic, creator and teacher. Those are things I do, which certainly express part of who I am. But identity goes much deeper than that and this is what I explore through my writing–snapshots into being through meditations on mystics, art and creativity.

I’m also a lover of and avid reader of theology. For me, mysticism and theology, practice and sound ideas (“heart and mind”) aren’t separate activities. I write about what I am interested in… which doesn’t always fit into tidy categories.

My background.

I graduated with a BA in history from Cedarville College (now University), then worked as a music editor and writer for several years. My passion for writing continued at Miami University, where I graduated with an MA in Creative Writing/Poetry with an emphasis on mystical traditions in poetry.

From there I moved to Czech Republic where I married my amazing husband Derek. We spent several years traveling around Europe and exploring communities of emerging christian movements throughout Europe (arts festivals, Catholic pilgrimages, house churches, unusual gatherings of thinkers and artists both within and outside church institutions). We later moved to Austin, Texas, where we ran an artist-in-residence community for over 8 years.

Amy McDonald Chapman

Other work.

Cloth Habit: I make things. I sew, knit, crochet, dye and even a little weaving. I have a small business designing lingerie and teaching courses in sewing.

Textural: My old writing website.

Books: I’ve written two books, The Moon Incident (poetry) and A Little Book on Poverty and Glory (Christian meditations on abundance)

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