On Identity Listening to the Ents • Amy McDonald Chapman

Listening to the Ents

(Originally posted on Facebook, a very un-Entish place to be.)

“Few of us are left now. Sheep get like shepherd, and shepherds like sheep, it is said; but slowly and neither have long in the world. It is quicker and closer with trees and Ents, and they walk down the ages together. For Ents are more like Elves: less interested in themselves than Men are, and and better at getting inside other things.”

If I lived in Middle Earth, I’d probably be an Ent. Tree-herding sounds like a pretty good living to me.

But I’m also fascinated with the tone of Fangorn, the home of the Ents. Tolkien was onto something in creating this mysterious forest: it’s the place where Wisdom dwells.

Wisdom is difficult to seek. For most of us, it takes too. much. time. It is slow to move. Slow to speak. The irony of even writing this on Facebook is not lost on me. We’d rather read one perspective, one book, one authoritative blog post, and then be done with it.

I love that the Ents’ perspective is hidden until the drink is had and the ancient stories have been told—an Ent’s perspective must be sought after in communion, just like wisdom.

From the outside, Ents are frustrating. Don’t they feel? Don’t they care? Why so silent?

But Ents do feel the rustle of the leaves, the bristle of their bark, they hear the noise. It’s just not as loud and personally egregious as it is outside the forest.

Ents have their own turmoil. They are not immune to pain but take time to empathize with the depth of all the grievances. Wisdom is very real and present love and intense empathy. It requires patience to not react when it seems all else reacts. (I’m probably a young-ish Ent, but I’m growing.)

Ents do not issue a singular decision from one leader, but always deliberate in counsel and councils before delivering their decision from an appointed Ent. Each Ent is honored in the decision. Sadly, I live in a country whose overall culture is particularly fond of a singular leadership style that makes profound decisions without the blessing and counsel of their peers. (And should I’m not just talking politics, but everything that has a leader.) That leader might have knowledge and vision, but knowledge and vision are not the same as wisdom—and do not communicate love to the other Ents.

You want Ents on your side. They don’t waste a lot of energy slaying minor dragons. Often they may step on and crush an Orc without even realizing it. They shift the scene by simply by bending a couple inches—it’s effortless. And when they are finally and truly roused by injustice and decision, a council of Ents do more colossal damage in an hour than multiple armies combined in a long war.

And if you made it this far, I’m guessing you are either an Ent yourself or at least curious about their mysterious ways.

So, “ho, hmmm, hmmm” I sing… Any other Ents singing with me?

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